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Sermon Manuscript: Sanctity of Life | A Systematic Theology

Joshua Engen • Apr 22, 2024

Sanctity of Life | A Systematic Theology

Most nations throughout history, no matter their philosophy of ethics would agree with the principle that murder is wrong. That we should seek to protect human life.

However, many throughout history and today have disagreed on issues such as when is human life valuable? Or when does human life begin?


The answers to the questions are most important when talking about the issue of abortion. 

For example, some argue that human life does not begin until 6 weeks after conception. Or later, even up unto birth. After they take their first breath, that is when their life should be protected. 

And thus, the destruction of the pre-born baby is not considered murder, because they do not consider it a human life. 

Some argue that if a human does not have a certain set of desirable characteristics to help society, to contribute to society, then their life does not have intrinsic value, 

and thus the destruction of pre-born baby with a diagnosed disability is not considered murder because they do not consider it as a valuable human life. 

Some recognize the weaknesses of these arguments, they admit the baby in the womb is a human life, and it does have value, but nevertheless depending on the situation of the world, one should consider the parents’ situation, they could justify ending a human life for a greater good or greater purpose. 

And there are tons of other arguments, and many ways people think about this topic of abortion. 

And so how do we as Christians think about this issue? Does God have anything to say about human life and abortion in his Word.

Indeed, it does.

While the bible does not say, thou shalt not abort your preborn baby.” it does give very clear principles for evaluating the practice of abortion. 

And the absence of this abortion command should not be shocking to us as Christians. 

The OT contains 613 laws, that is not a comprehensive law system to live by. It does not account for every single scenario. 

Slide (Laws) For example, in the United States, there are so many laws, it’s difficult for the Justice department to quantify them. 

In 1982, they compiled a list of criminal laws of about 3000. And that’s where the stopped, they didn’t include case law or regulatory provisions. 

In the 1980’s there were over 23,000 pages of federal law, and one Justice Department official was asked how many laws are there in the US he said, “you will have died and been resurrected three times and still not have answer to this question.” 

(Blank Slide)

So the 613 laws of the OT, is clearly not comprehensive law system for a nation. 

Instead, the OT has as selective collection of laws to teach us about God, and has categories and principles to live by. 

The OT is full of other genres such as narrative, poetry, history, and prophecy. 

And so while the bible does not have an exact law or command, do not abort your preborn baby” 

We do have clear passages in scripture, when understood together, that abortion is wrong, its sinful, it goes against God, his character, and he wants us to live. 

And here are the three pieces of evidence from scripture that I will put together, and by the way this can be call systematic theology. Where you compile evidence about a particular subject from the scriptures. 

This is not the comprehensive argument, but strong and concise starting point. Outline

1. Murder and the Image of God (Genesis 9:7)

2. Image of God at Conception (Genesis 5:3)

3. Life for a Life: Case Law (Exodus 21:22–25)

I will then add strength to this scriptural argument from Christian interpreters from the first and second centuries AD. Label this Church history.

Then I’ll answer the question so what. If this is true, if abortion is wrong what do we do with this information. 

3 Applications:

1. Fight Against Temptation

2. Find Forgiveness

3. Focus on the Gospel 

1. Murder and the Image of God

We do have laws like the sixth commandment given to Moses in , (Ex. 20:13) “Do not murder.”

The Hebrew term used here for murder ”רְצָֽ֖ח“ refers specifically to putting to death improperly, that is without the authorization from the governing authority in the justice system. As Paul explains in Romans 13:4, the authority God gives to governments to execute justice. 

So outside of this no human being may take a human life, wether that be murder, manslaughter, accidental killing, or suicide. 

One commentator goes on to explain “the ban on murder has no modifying conditions: taking one’s own life or ending someone else’s for purposes of “mercy” do not qualify as allowable exceptions.” 

In the end, “Anyone who takes to himself or herself the right to take the life of another usurps the place of God.” 

Jesus affirms this command and goes to the heart of the matter in Matt 5:21

 “Matthew 5:21  “You have heard that it was said to our ancestors, Do not murder, and whoever murders will be subject to judgment. Matthew 5:22 But I tell you, everyone who is angry with his brother or sister will be subject to judgment.”

Likewise the Apostle Paul affirms the command do not murder (Rom. 13:9) “The commandments, Do not commit adultery; do not murder; do not steal; do not covet; and any other commandment, are summed up by this commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself.”

So OT and NT is clear that murder is wrong, I hope I don’t have to convince you further on God’s Word on that. 

Now we dive deeper, why is murder wrong?

Murder is wrong, ibecause humans are made in the image of God, and worthy of life and its protection. 

WE see this clear connection between murder and being made in the image of God made early on in 

(Gen. 9:6) “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans his blood will be shed, for God made humans in his image” (Gen. 9:7) “But you, be fruitful and multiply; spread out over the earth and multiply on it.”

This is why murder is wrong, we are made in God’s image, we have value and worth. We are made with a purpose to reflect God’s glory, to live and worship him. 

Murder is the opposite of God’s command, he wants us to multiply his image bearers, he wants more worshippers. 

Murder destroys that image bearer; it destroys the one made to worship and glorify God. 

So we see this connection between murder and the image of God. 

And here’s the major point, at conception the preborn baby is made in the image of God, and thus they have value and to destroy them would be murder. 

And we see this in our second point 

2. Image of God at Conception 

So we go to the beginning, In Gen 1:27, Adam and Eve are said to be created in God’s image. (Gen. 1:27) “So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female.”

So its clear men and women are created in the image of God, but when do they begin to share that image. 

And at the moment of conception, Adam passes this image of God to his son. 

(Gen. 5:3) “Adam was 130 years old when he fathered a son in his likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth.”

The very moment Adam "fathered" Seth he was made in his image and likeness, and since Genesis 1 already told us Adam was made in the image and likeness of God, Seth also has the divine image as well.

The Hebrew verb translated “fathered” refers to the act of conception when it has a masculine subject, Adam. 

Since the preborn baby at conception is made in the image of God, they have value and worth, they are made to worship and glorify God, we should seek to protect that life. 

And there is actually an OT law that deals with the life and death of a preborn baby. 

3. A life for a life: Case Law

 “Exodus 21:22 “When men get in a fight and hit a pregnant woman so that her children are born prematurely but there is no injury, the one who hit her must be fined as the woman’s husband demands from him, and he must pay according to judicial assessment. Exodus 21:23 If there is an injury, then you must give life for life,” Exodus 21:24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Exodus 21:25 burn for burn, bruise for bruise, wound for wound.”

So the intent is that if a man hits a pregnant woman and she gives premature birth but neither the mother or infant suffer an injury, the man who accidentally struck her is to pay a fine. 

But if mother or baby are harmed in any way, the man is to be punished. 

If he bruised mother or the unborn child, he was to be bruised. 

If he destroyed the eye, tooth, hand, or foot, of mother or child, his own was to be destroyed. 

If he killed either mother or unborn child, his own life was forfeited. Life for life. 

Thus, in God's sight the value of the life of the unborn was completely equal to the life of an adult. 

Causing the death of the unborn carried the same penalty as the murder of an adult.

So lets’ recap 

So we have seen that murder is wrong, against God and his law. 

Murder is wrong because we are made in God’s image, to worship and glorify him. 

We have also seen that at conception we are made in the image of God. Adam fathered seth in his image. 

Thus, to destroy the life made in the image of God in the womb, 

regardless of a possibility disability, regardless of the circumstances of the world, regardless of circumstances in the Mother and fathers life, 

the destruction of life made in the image of God in the womb, is still under the biblical category of murder. 

And this is not a new interpretation of god’s Word. 

The early church, over 1800 years go, were dealing with similar issues in their day. 

Father-in-law and mentor Dr. Quarles explains

4. Church History

The Didache, or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, was a Christian manual written late in the first century or early in the second century. 

Didache 2.2 interprets the sixth commandment as prohibiting both infanticide and abortion: “You shall not murder children by abortion nor kill what has been conceived.” 

An almost identical statement appears in the Epistle of Barnabas (19.5) which was also written in the late first or early second century. 

Since the Didache and Barnabas do not appear to depend on one another, they appear to share a common earlier source which might have recorded the oral teaching of one of Jesus’ disciples on the topic of abortion. 

The statement demonstrates that the early church believed that life began at conception and that abortion is murder.

The Bible is not silent on the Abortion Issue. The Early Church was not silent on the abortion issue. The present day church must not be silent on the abortion issue. 

Our statement of faith the Baptist Faith and message 2000, explains how we as church interpret the main doctrines of our faith according to the scriptures. 

And it speaks clearly on the top of the sanctity of life. 

In section 15, “The Church and the Social Order” it states, “We should speak on behalf of the unborn and contend for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death.” 

Scripture, Church history, our statement of faith are clear we are made in the image of God at conception, and thus to and thus to end that life if wrong, and akin to murder. 

So first all wanted to speak to Christians today. In my application. (Application Slide)

Those who have those who have placed their faith in Jesus as their God Savior and king. 

I wanted to show you from the scriptures what God says about life. 

Because as Christians we have saved from our sins and want to live for God, in all areas of life. 

Including the issue of abortion. 

1. Fight Temptation

First in order to fight against temptation, you must be knowledgeable about the temptation itself. 

So I don’t want you to be ignorant of what God says, we are to be growing in our knowledge of God and his Word, and this is one step forward in that direction. 

Because many Christians, maybe even some of you today have not been taught that preborn babies are made in the image of God and worthy of life. 

There are many so called pastors that say it is ok to abort your baby, I don’t want you to be uninformed and be susceptible to that false teaching. 

Second, its not just knowledge but obedience. 

For its one thing to know that we should love our neighbor as ourselves, its another thing to live that out. 

For the temptation to end a life is a real temptation today even for Christians. 

One study done in 2002 found that 1 out of every 8 women having abortions, (13 percent) identified themselves as "born again" or "evangelical" Christians.

So when the world, the culture, the media, even the doctors say its not a baby, its just an embryo,

Here’s what you need to Go back to God’s word and see what he says about. 

When thoughts enter your mind, like, the world is so bad, I can’t bring a baby into this world,

 or I can’t have a baby right now, because of my job, or my relationship with my spouse isn’t good, or I don’t have enough money, or I wasn’t planning for this. 

Whatever thought comes into your mind, or whatever someone else may even tell you. 

Remember this, there is human life made in the image of God in your womb. 

And there is no justification to end that life. 

There are options other than death. 

And this is why it is important to be a part of a body believers as Christian, 

your church family is here to remind you that children are a blessing from God, they are made in God’s image, he wants them to live and worship him. 

And your church family is also here to help you in practical ways. Older women helping younger women. 

Older men leading younger men. 

I want to make this clear as well. This is not just a woman’s issue, it takes a man to father a child, Adam fathered Seth. 

So as a Christian man, are you standing up for life, being there for your wife, being there for you child. The mother and father are to protect and raise up their child, not bring their life to an end. 

So Christian choose life, trust God and his word, that God knows best, depend on God and his power, cry out to God for help. Lean on your church family for help. 

One more application under this heading of fight against temptation as Christians, is to consider how the sanctity of human life from conception fits in with medical procedures such as IVF. 

The usual practice in IVF calls for the fertilization of numerous embryos, which are then frozen until needed for implantation in the womb. 

Sometimes these embryos are reduced to a frozen existence, awaiting either implantation, indefinite storage, or willful destruction. 

In recent years thousands of human embryos have been destroyed in Great Britain and the United States, as they were no longer needed or wanted for implantation.” 

If life starts at conception, these fertilized embryos are human livese made in the image God. 

That should not be kept in indefinite storage nor willfully destroyed. 

The desire to have children is a good desire for married couples to have, but having a biological child of your own through medical intervention that will end in the destruction of your other children does justify one’s good intentions. 

In fighting against the temptation to commit abortion or destroy embryos, we must remember that God is in authority of life and death, and we need to trust in him and his word, and that also means accepting our limitations. 

That’s the first application for the Christian fight against temptation. 

Second, find forgiveness at the cross. 

According to one study 1 in 4 American women have had an abortion. 

Therefore the odds are there are fathers and mothers here today, that chose death and instead of life. 

And if you are a Christian, let me remind you of the goodnews. 

Jesus’s death on the cross covers all sins, all sins, including murder. 

Some of the greatest men in Scripture were forgiven murderers. Moses, David, the apostle Paul. You can be forgiven. Your sin can be erased. In the eyes of God you can appear just as if you had never sinned.

Hear these words of a forgiven murderer:

1 Timothy 1:12-16

I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, appointing me to the ministry— one who was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an arrogant man. But I received mercy because I acted out of ignorance in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord overflowed, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them. But I received mercy for this reason, so that in me, the worst of them, Christ Jesus might demonstrate His extraordinary patience as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life.

Through repentance and faith in Jesus your sins are forgiven, you have been washed clean, 

As we saw in baptism today, your sins were buried with Christ, and he raised you to new life. 

And maybe you’re here today and you’re not a Christian, you never turned away from your sins, and turned to God for forgiveness. 

You’ve never trusted in Jesus’ death and resurrection.

And today you found out that according God’s Word, you committed murder, you were an accessory to murder, and you feel the weight of that reality. 

Find forgiveness today, be free from guilt and shame, run to the arms of God, call on the name of Jesus. 

Maybe you’re here and not guilty of murder, and you’re think well im good then, I don’t need forgiveness. 

But let me remind us what Jesus says, he goes to the heart of the matter. 

“Matthew 5:21  “You have heard that it was said to our ancestors, Do not murder, and whoever murders will be subject to judgment. Matthew 5:22 But I tell you, everyone who is angry with his brother or sister will be subject to judgment.”

You ever had hatred in your heart towards someone, you ever failed to love someone as you ought. 

That is sin as well. One of the purposes of the all the commands in scripture, is to show us our need for a savior. 

To show us that everyone falls short, every needs Jesus. 

As God says through James in “James 2:10 For whoever keeps the entire law, and yet stumbles at one point, is guilty of breaking it all. James 2:11 For he who said, Do not commit adultery, also said, Do not murder. So if you do not commit adultery, but you murder, you are a lawbreaker.”

Jesus lived the perfect life we couldn’t and died the death we deserved. 

Trust in him for forgiveness today. 

(outline slide)

3. Application: Focus on the Gospel 

As Dr. Quarles rightly states, 

Though political involvement and cultural engagement are certainly to be encouraged, the ultimate solution to the sin of abortion in our society is not activism but evangelism. 

Because a change in the laws of the land without a change in the hearts of the people is ultimately futile. 

That is why the BFM prefaces its statement on the Church and the Social Order with this affirmation: “Means and methods used for the improvement of society and the establishment of righteousness among men can be truly and permanently helpful only when they are rooted in the regeneration of the individual by the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ.” 

Quarles goes on to say, Cast your vote, write your letter to the editor, attend your marches, but more than anything else, share the gospel. Only Christ changes the heart and renews the mind.

Only the goodnews of Jesus death and resurrection, saves someone’s soul. 

Think of it like this, imagine if we could get everyone in the world to watch this sermon, 

And then imagine, everyone in whole is convinced that abortion is wrong, and no one ever commits this kind of murder again. 

That would be great that would be wonderful. 

But listen, if none of them trust in Jesus as their God, Savior and King what eternal impact did we really make. 

They may not be guilty of murder, but they’re still dead in their sins. Guilty of rebellion against their perfect creator God. 

This is why must prioritize sharing about Jesus’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. 

Faith in Jesus will impact someone’s soul for eternity, and will led them to live a life of righteousness following King Jesus, 

not only on the issue of abortion but for all of God’s law. 

As those who have been saved from our sins and forgiven, let focus on the gospel, that is our hope in life and death, remember the forginess that you have in Christ if you’re a Christian, rmember that he has frred you from sin, so fight temptation, and share the gospel because people need it, invite them to church, invite them to a bible study, 

Be the church family that God wants us to be, that cares for those who are in need. 

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