Pastor Josh

Meet Pastor Josh

My Testimony

I’m sure God was working on my heart before I was 10 years old, but that is when I first truly remember hearing and thinking about the Gospel.

I don’t remember an exact sermon, but I know I came to believe that I was a sinner and needed forgiveness, from our pastor’s preaching, from the lessons in Sunday School, and from my parents' newfound faith in Christ.

I learned and came to believe that Christ died for my sins, by taking the wrath of God in my place. Then Christ was raised to life, which resulted in the defeat of death and sin.

I was then baptized, which signifies dying to my old self and rising out of the water in new life with Christ.

My life before Christ was characterized by selfishness, pride, and anxiety. After trusting in Christ as my God, Savior, and King, I thought of others before myself, became humbler, and entrusted Christ with my burdens.

Over the course of my life, I was involved in the local church, was taught the Scriptures, and was shown how to live out what I learned in the Scriptures.

I am still growing in Christian maturity and ever dependent on the same God, Savior, and King that I entrusted my life with almost 20 years ago.

Vision for Ministry

To declare the whole counsel of God, so that others will glorify God and follow Him in obedience, becoming mature men and women of faith. Maturity in Christ is manifested by wisdom, good works, the fruit of the Spirit, and the ability to reproduce the learning experience to others.

I am a servant-leader who focuses on training and teaching others to build them up for the work of the ministry. I want to encourage others to use their gifts that God has given them and give them opportunities to exercise their gifts. I believe that God has blessed and gifted me with the skills, desires, and biblical qualifications to shepherd His church by the power of the Holy Spirit through leading, serving, and equipping the Body of Christ for the work of the ministry.

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