Wakelon More Info

Ways to Serve

Currently, we have identified several subcommittees, each with its specific objectives. Contact one of us to get serving!

Ø Prayer Support – Pastor Josh Engen

o  Tasks involve the flagpole and addressing teacher/staff requests.

Ø Teacher Appreciation – Linda Bryant and Pam Sparks

o  Focus areas encompass snacks, breakfasts, lunches, and notes of encouragement targeting Fridays.

Ø School Supply Drive – Gail Barker

o  Aims to collect school supplies for classrooms based on lists for each grade.

Ø Lunch Duty – Dickey Bryant and Jean Creech

o  Seeks volunteers to cover lunch shifts, allowing teachers to enjoy a duty-free lunch period.

Ø School Beautification - TBD

o  Responsibilities include the running track and school entrance.

Ø Care Packages - TBD

o  Involves preparing gifts for students before breaks and summer, such as books, snacks, markers, and puzzles, tailored to age-appropriate packs as designated by staff.

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